Cu numai cateva saptamani inainte de momentul zero, revenim cu mai multe informatii:
Asa cum am anuntat deja, Intrunirea Prieteneasca de Atase si Clasice –PAC -2017 va avea loc in weekend-ul 23-25 iunie 2017, la Camping Dragoske din localitatea Burlusi, pe DN 73 C care leaga Curtea de Arges de Ramnicu Valcea.
Motociclistii pasionati sunt toti de acord ca importanta nu este destinatia, ci drumul, si acesta este motivul principal pentru care am ales aceasta zona. Calatorii care traverseaza muntii au la dispozitie doua variante de traseu, care includ doua dintre cele mai spectaculoase drumuri din Europa - Transalpina si Transfagarasanul. Cei care vor veni dinspre sud, pot face totusi sambata un traseu care include Transfagarasanul integral cu intoarcere pe valea Oltului, sau pot merge numai pentru o gustare pana la Cabana Balea .
Cei care vor dori sa descopere cateva frumuseti din cele care inconjoara aceasta tabara, sa incalece pe armasarii de metal si sa porneasca la drum. Apucand pe national spre Curtea de Arges, drumul duce catre munte, cotind la stanga imediat ce se intra in oras. Inainte de a parasi totusi orasul, se poate face o pauza pentru a admira Manastirea Curtea de Arges {N 45.156751 E 24.675219} construita intre anii 1515 si 1517 de Neagoe Basarab si pentru a (re)descoperi balada Mesterului Manole. Dupa deslusirea tainei acestei balade se poate continua spre frumosul drum TRANSFAGARASAN pe DN 7C in directia Baraj Vidraru. Inainte ca drumul sa se adanceasca in munte, pe partea stanga se afla centrala electrica Vidraru {N 45gr 21'00,2'' E 24gr38'00,1''}. Pentru cei interesati de istorie, aici este punctul de oprire pentru o vizita la Cetatea Poenari, vizita pentru care este nevoie de putina conditie fizica, fiind necesara urcarea a 1480 de trepte pentru a trece poarta cetatii. Aceasta a fost construita pe vremea lui Negru Voda si dezvoltata cu scop de refugiu de catre domnitorul Vlad Tepes. Locul ofera o priveliste deosebita asupra vaii Argesului.
Continuand mersul pe sosea, va fi intalnit Barajul Vidraru, construit pe raul Arges, avand an de finalizare 1965. Privelistea este spectaculoasa! Din acest punct, doritorii de off road pot alege varianta de intoarcere prin Poienile Valsanului. Pentru aceasta vor merge mai departe pe DN 7C , dupa aproximativ 2km se face un drum spre dreapta, care urca in padure {N 45gr22'06,4'' E24gr39'03,1''}. Odata intrati pe drum vor tine drumul forestier care ii va conduce printr-un peisaj superb in Poienile Valsanului. Aici va fi o inersectie in “T” unde vor vira dreapta pe langa raul Valsan la vale. Tot inainte, drumul va merge printr-un defileu sapat de rau pana va fi intalnit asfaltul in satul Bradetu. De aici, traseul spre Curtea de Arges este pe asfalt, marcat corespunzator.
Traseul de la tabara pana la Barajul Vidraru masoara 50 km.
Traseul off road de la Baraj Vidraru pana in satul Bradetu masoara 30 km.
Intreg traseul propus masoara 120 km.
Pentru ca aceasta este o intrunire prieteneasca, atmosfera va fi intretinuta atat vineri seara, cat si sambata seara de cunoscutul rapsod MP3, sprijinit live de cate un virtuoz la chitara in jurul focului de tabara.
Concursurile de indemanare, cel mai bun povestitor, cel mai norocos motociclist , cel mai priceput mecanic, cea mai curata/murdara motocicleta, cel mai mic consum - aici VanDam sigur va fi castigator - etc. organizate ad-hoc, vor avea ca premii stima de sine crescuta a castigatorului si, eventual, bere bauta cu prietenii.
Pentru ca locurile de cazare in camere cu baie proprie / casute / rulotele campingului sunt limitate, am rugamintea sa-mi comunicati din timp optiunea de cazare ca sa pot rezerva. Cei care vin cu propriul cort nu trebuie sa rezerve nimic, pentru ca este spatiu suficient, insa e frumos sa ne comunice daca intentioneaza sa participe, pentru ca oamenii de la camping sa se asigure ca nu ramanem fara bere tocmai cand e setea mai mare.
Tarife: Nu exista taxa de participare la intrunire.
Camera cu 3 locuri, baie proprie costa 100 ron/noapte
Camera cu 2 locuri, baie proprie costa 80 ron/noapte
Casuta cu 2 locuri costa 60 ron/noapte
Rulota cu 2/3 locuri costa 50 ron/noapte
Locul de cort (2/3 persoane) costa 30 ron/noapte
Micul dejun costa 10 ron/persoana
Pranz/cina (meniul zilei - 2 feluri) costa 15 ron/persoana.
Berea are pret rezonabil si e pentru toate gusturile!
Seara avem foc de tabara (lemnele sunt deja adunate), exista gratar si, evident, cine vrea sa-si aduca mancare/bautura in traista e liber s-o faca.
Nota: In camping nu se pot face plati cu cardul, asa ca va rugam sa aveti bani cash.
Few weeks before zero moment, we come back with more information:
As already announced, Romanian Friendly Sidecar and Classic Bikes Gathering – PAC 2017 will take place on the 23 – 25 of June 2017 weekend, at Camping Dragoske from Burlusi, on National Road DN 73 C connecting Curtea de Arges with Ramnicu Valcea.
Passionate riders do agree that destination is not important, but the road leading to it, so this is the main reason for picking this geographical area. Riders crossing the mountains have two routes available, including two of the most spectaculars European roads – Transalpina and Trasfagarasan. Those coming from the south may also take the complete Transfagarasan tour on Saturday with return on Olt Valley or just the short tour, only for a quick snack at Cabana Balea on the shores of lake Balea- the highest altitude lake of Europe.
Those willing to discover some of the beauties surrounding the camping should just get on the steel horses and hit the road! If you take the national road to Curtea de Arges, you will enter the mountains. But before that, you can stop and visit Curtea de Arges Monastery {N 45.156751 E 24.675219} built between 1515 and 1517 by one of Romania’s early kings, Neagoe Basarab. If curious, you may as well stay a little while to discover the legend... As the traveller is better off on roads, head for the beautiful TRANSFAGARASAN on National Road DN 7C towards Baraj Vidraru! Before going deep into the mountains, on the left side, there is Vidraru electrical power plant {N 45gr 21'00,2'' E 24gr38'00,1''}. For those history geeks, this is the right place to stop and visit Poenari Citadel, but bare in mind that you need to be physically fit to actually climb 1480 steps to get to the citadel’s gate. The story of this citadel is linked to Vlad the Impaler – the one who inspired Dracula character. From the top of the mountain, the citadel offers a great view over the Arges valley.
Keep going and you will get to Vidraru Dam built on Arges river dating from 1965. The view is breath-taking! Here, off road lovers may choose to return by crossing Poienile Valsanului. Just keep going on National Road DN 7C for about 2 km, where there is a road on the right side, heading towards the forest {N 45gr22'06,4'' E24gr39'03,1''}. Once in the forest, keep the forest back road through the beautiful scenery of the Poienile Valsanului. When reaching the T cross, go right, down the Valsan valley. Keep going through the canyon until you get to the main road on Bradetu village. Then the easy part will come, on the properly marked asphalt road to Curtea de Arges.
Distance from camping to Vidraru Dam: 50 km.
Off road tour from Vidraru Dam to Bradetu village: 30 km.
The complete tour, including the two of the above: 120 km.
As this is a friendly gathering, the famous MP3 will help you get into the mood on Friday evening and also on Saturday evening, with a little help from some live guitar player by the camp fire.
Ad hoc contests of skills, best story teller, the luckiest biker, the best mechanic, the cleanest / dirtiest bike, the best fuel economy – this one will be definitely won by VanDam - etc. will have as prises the winner’s increased self-esteem and, possibly, one more beer with friends.
Please send your lodging options as there is a limited number of rooms with own bathroom / camping bungalows / caravans. Fans of tent camping do not need to make a reservation because there is plenty of space, though it would be nice to inform us about their intention to come so that the camping owners can make sure we do not run out of beer when thirst is higher...
Prices: No entry fee.
Room with 3 beds, own bathroom: 100 ron/night
Room with 2 beds, own bathroom: 80 ron/night
Camping bungalow (double bed): 60 ron/night
Camping Caravan, 2/3 beds: 50 ron/night
Tent (2/3 persons): 30 ron/night
Breakfast: 10 ron/person
Lunch // dinner (menu of the day – soup and main course): 15 ron/person.
Camp fire every evening!
Note: No card payment possible on camping! Bring cash!